Type of
Variants with live discount
Up to 300
Number of Discount campaign
Add Discount Tier
only one
Type of Discount Campaign
Type of
General Discount
Volume/Quantity Discount
Min Purchase Value Discount
Basic Options
Type of
Different Types of Discount Method (Percentage, Fix and Amount)
Add product by different filters (Collection, Tags, ...)
Set campaign start and end times
Set specific price endings
Advance Options
Type of
Exclude products from selected products of campaign
Set Discount based on "compare-at price"
Keep current price and set a higher "compare-at price"
Auto-update campaign's products with store changes
Add Multiple Discount Tier
Combine different discount campaigns together
Type of
Customize widget text
Customize "Saving on cart" widget style
Customize "discount tier table" widget style
Customization of price and badge display by request
Type of
24/7 Support
Chat Support
Tech Support
Customer Success Manager
Type of
Variants with live discount
only 30
Number of Discount campaign
Add Discount Tier
only one
Type of Discount Campaign
Type of
General Discount
Volume/Quantity Discount
Min Purchase Value Discount
Basic Options
Type of
Different Types of Discount Method (Percentage, Fix and Amount)
Add product by different filters (Collection, Tags, ...)
Set campaign start and end times
Set specific price endings
Advance Options
Type of
Exclude products from selected products of campaign
Set Discount based on "compare-at price"
Keep current price and set a higher "compare-at price"
Auto-update campaign's products with store changes
Add Multiple Discount Tier
Combine different discount campaigns together
Type of
Customize widget text
Customize "Saving on cart" widget style
Customize "discount tier table" widget style
Customization of price and badge display by request
Type of
24/7 Support
Chat Support
Tech Support
Customer Success Manager

Discounty, Your Budget-Friendly Choice!
Zero Hidden Fees , Start Free

Lite Plan

Basics for Solo Entrepreneurs


Per Month

300 Discounted variant

10 Campaigns

Widget customization

Advance Price options

Add multiple discount tiers

24/7 Live Chat & Tech Support

Essential Plan

Scale up your Small Business


Per Month

1,000 Discounted variant

30 Campaigns

Full customization

Advance Price options

Add multiple discount tiers

24/7 Live Chat & Tech Support

Discounty Plan

Growth plan for Medium Store


Per Month

6,000 Discounted variant

100 Campaigns

Full customization


Add multiple discount tiers

24/7 Live Chat & Tech Support

Ultimate Plan

Be Limitless , reach beyond


Per Month

Unlimited Discounted variant

Unlimited Campaigns

Add multiple discount tiers

Full Access

Campaign Combination option

High Level Support

Lite Plan

Basics for Solo Entrepreneurs




300 Discounted variant

10 Campaigns

Widget customization

Advance Price options

Add multiple discount tiers

24/7 Live Chat & Tech Support

More Details

Essential Plan

Scale up your Small Business




1,000 Discounted variant

30 Campaigns

Full customization

Advance Price options

Add multiple discount tiers

24/7 Live Chat & Tech Support

More Details

Discounty Plan

Growth plan for medium store




6,000 Discounted variant

100 Campaigns

Full customization


Add multiple discount tiers

24/7 Live Chat & Tech Support

More Details

Ultimate Plan

Be Limitless , reach beyond




Unlimited Discounted variant

Unlimited Campaigns

Add multiple discount tiers

Full Access

Campaign Combination option

High Level Support

Install Today

Your Ultimate Solution

Be Limitless , reach beyond unlimate


Per Month

50 Discounted variant

3 Campaigns

Unlimited Variants

Unlimited Quantity discount

Full Access

Campaign Combination

High Level Support


Your Ultimate Solution

Be Limitless , reach beyond unlimate


Per Month

50 Discounted variant

3 Campaigns

Unlimited Variants

Unlimited Quantity discount

Full Access

Campaign Combination

High Level Support


Your Ultimate Solution

Be Limitless , reach beyond unlimate


Per Month

50 Discounted variant

3 Campaigns

Unlimited Variants

Unlimited Quantity discount

Full Access

Campaign Combination

High Level Support


Your Ultimate Solution

Be Limitless , reach beyond unlimate


Per Month

50 Discounted variant

3 Campaigns

Unlimited Variants

Unlimited Quantity discount

Full Access

Campaign Combination

High Level Support


Not sure which plan fits your needs?

Let’s make it easy! Our friendly team is here to guide you through your options. We’ll help you find the perfect plan that matches your store’s size, discount goals, and budget. Just reach out, and we’ll ensure you get the most value from Discounty. Your success is our priority!

Contact Us

Pricing suited for all business


Start for Free

Get Started

Essential Package

Get Started

Your Ultimate

Get Started

Your Ultimate

Get Started

Feature Title

Feature Name




Feature Name





Feature Name





Feature Title

Feature Name







Up to 20 clones per month


Business, Technology

User Limit

1 User


Lottie Animation

3 months

Design Interactions

3 months







Up to 20 clones per month


Business, Technology

User Limit

1 User


Lottie Animation

3 months

Design Interactions

3 months







Up to 20 clones per month


Business, Technology

User Limit

1 User


Lottie Animation

3 months

Design Interactions

3 months





😍 Welcome Offer For You! Here's a 50% Off!

Install Discounty for the first time and enjoy a special welcoming discount on any plans. Don’t miss out and try it today!

welcome-50COPY CODE

Per Month
Get Started
Per Month
Get Started
Per Month
Get Started
Per Month
Get Started
Per Month
Get Started
Variants with live discountOnly 30Up to 300Up to 1,000Up to 6,000Unlimited
Number of Discount campaign31030100Unlimited
Add Discount TierOnly oneUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Type of Discount Campaign
General Discount
Volume/Quantity Discount
Min Purchase Value Discount
Basic Options
Different Types of Discount Method (Percentage, Fix and Amount)
Add product by different filters (Collection, Tags, ...)
Set campaign start and end times
Set specific price endings
Advance Options
Exclude products from selected products of campaign
Set Discount based on "compare-at price"
Keep current price and set a higher "compare-at price"
Auto-update campaign's products with store changes
Add Multiple Discount Tier
Combine different discount campaigns together
Customize widget text
Customize "Saving on cart" widget style
Customize "discount tier table" widget style
Customization of price and badge display by request
24/7 Support
Chat Support
Tech Support
Customer Success Manager

Get Started
Get Started
Get Started
Get Started
Get Started
Variants with live discountOnly 30Up to 300Up to 1,000Up to 6,000Unlimited
Number of Discount campaign31030100Unlimited
Add Discount TierOnly oneUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Type of Discount Campaign
General Discount
Volume/Quantity Discount
Min Purchase Value Discount
Basic Options
Different Types of Discount Method (Percentage, Fix and Amount)
Add product by different filters (Collection, Tags, ...)
Set campaign start and end times
Set specific price endings
Advance Options
Exclude products from selected products of campaign
Set Discount based on "compare-at price"
Keep current price and set a higher "compare-at price"
Auto-update campaign's products with store changes
Add Multiple Discount Tier
Combine different discount campaigns together
Customize widget text
Customize "Saving on cart" widget style
Customize "discount tier table" widget style
Customization of price and badge display by request
24/7 Support
Chat Support
Tech Support
Customer Success Manager

We’re By Your Side in the Early Stages!

Just starting out? We’ve got your back! At Discounty, we believe in nurturing growth. That’s why we offer our Growth Assist program for early-stage stores. If you want to join this program, fill the form bellow.

Contact Us

Why you Should upgrade

Break Limitations

With our upgraded plans, you can add unlimited variants to your promotions, allowing for endless possibilities in your discount strategies. The only limit is your imagination!

Reach More Features

Upgrading gives you access to advanced tools and options, so you can set up your discount campaigns exactly how you want, with all the features you need at your fingertips.

Tech-Special Support

Get priority assistance for all your technical and customization needs. Our expert team is ready to help you quickly, ensuring your campaigns are perfectly tailored and run smoothly.

Questions You Might Have

Does Discounty offer discounts for early-stage businesses?

Yes, we love supporting startups! Contact us for more info on special discounts for businesses in their early stages.

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

If you cancel your subscription, you will retain access to the paid features until the end of your current billing cycle. After that, your plan will revert to the free version.

Are there any hidden fees?

No, there are no hidden fees. Our pricing is transparent, so you know exactly what you're paying for.

What kind of support is included in each plan?

All plans include 24/7 customer support. Our team assists with both app-related and general Shopify store issues.

How do I know which plan is right for my store?

Consider your store's size, discount needs, and budget. Our support team is happy to help you choose the best plan for your business.

Your Customers Are Waiting to Buy More!

You’re just one step away from boosting your sales with discount promotions! Discounty is a simple and effective tool to help you achieve that. Give it a try and see the magic for yourself!
